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Our Members

Our members

The Scheme covers the following:

  1. Civil Servants;
  2. Teachers employed by the Teachers Service Commission; and
  3. Disciplined Services (National Police Service, Prisons Service and National Youth Service)

Membership to the contributory scheme comprise the following categories:

  1. Employees serving on permanent and pensionable terms of service and aged below 45 years as at 1st January, 2021;
  2. New employees who join the service on or after 1st January, 2021 on permanent and pensionable terms of service;
  3. Employees aged 45 years and above as at 1st January, 2021 who opt to join the new contributory Scheme;
  4. Employees whose services were transferred to the County Government and are currently covered under the Public Service Pension Scheme will be processed as per the above provisions