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Committees of the Board

Committees of the Board

The Board has a comprehensive structure consisting of committees in line with the current legislation and best practices. The Board has four Committees with specific delegated authorities.  The Committees are established to support the Board in executing its responsibilities and obligations.

The Committees meet at least once every quarter and provide detailed reports and recommendations to the Board that assist in decision-making. They are established with specific terms of reference that are regularly reviewed and streamlined in accordance with emerging trends.

The four current committees in place are;

  1. Finance, Administration and Human Resource Committee
  2. Strategy, Investment and Risk Committee
  3. Benefits Committee
  4. Audit, Legal and Governance Committee

Finance, Administration and Human Resource Committee

The mandate of the committee includes;

  1. Planning for the Fund AGMs and main Board of Trustees meeting;
  2. Review of minutes of the last meeting and action items;
  3. Review of Fund documents;
  4. Ensure sensitization of members and training of Trustees;
  5. Ensure Fund Compliance;
  6. Any other administrative services. 

Strategy, Investment and Risk Committee

The mandate of the committee includes;

  1. Assessing and tracking investment Performance targets of the Fund Manager;
  2. Review and analyse the investment proposals
  3. Monitoring and evaluation of investments
  4. Fund budget formulation and analysis
  5. Investment risk management

Benefits Committee

The mandate of the committee is to review and approval of payment of member benefits. 

Audit, Legal and Governance Committee

The mandate of the committee includes;

  1. Liaison and facilitation of both internal and external auditors for effective discharge of their respective assignments
  2. Monitoring and reviewing the integrity of the Fund’s financial statements
  3. Reviewing the effectiveness and reliability of management information systems 
  4. Oversight of the execution of the risk management strategies of the Fund